Friday, December 22, 2006


I ran acrost an old journal of mine yesterday and as I was reading through it I noticed a note I had written to myself that hit me maybe even more than it did when I first wrote it. It was one of 5 insights I had uncovered after listening to a certain speaker. Here is what I wrote:
"It's time to stop trying to 'be a better Christian' and start focusing on 'knowing God more.' This takes the focus off of me and puts it onto Him."
I really like this comment. Not only is it great advice that helps us put things in perspective but it points something else out about what Christianity has become today. It seems we have made "being a Christian" into some sort of club. If you want to be in our club you have to look like this and dress like this and vote like this and spend your money like this. And the focus is taken completely off of knowing God and replaced with how much we can outwardly look and act like the Christian person we're supposed to look and act like.
Let's stop doing that.

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